Rethinking Website Accessibility: Achieving Digital Compliance for Enterprises

Michelle Reid Michelle Reid
Rethinking Website Accessibility: Achieving Digital Compliance for Enterprises

Large organizations frequently have multiple websites, including at least one intranet site, that are connected to extensive security solutions. Adding an accessibility solution to complex sites like these requires a coordinated development effort to ensure design and usability problems aren’t introduced.

But making content accessible for people with disabilities isn’t just limited to technical solutions. There’s a human component.

For example, multiple departments in an enterprise contribute content to all of the organization’s digital assets, but awareness of what’s needed to help people with disabilities can vary greatly between individuals. Some level of guidance and training is required to build a culture of accessibility.

Where these technical and human components of digital accessibility intersect was the topic of a webinar hosted by UserWay.

The presentation was structured like a fireside chat among three leading accessibility experts, where they discussed what it really takes to make digital assets barrier-free for people with disabilities. 

Some of the most important questions addressed in this presentation included the following:

  • Why do many enterprise companies find it challenging to implement digital accessibility?
  • Who should own accessibility in an enterprise? IT, executive leadership or someone else?
  • Should enterprise companies focus on WCAG standards or usability?
  • Should accessibility be separate from DEI initiatives?
  • Are ADA lawsuits for digital accessibility just a cost of doing business?
  • Does digital accessibility require a cultural change or just technology adoption?

Leading the transformational changes required to make all the pieces come together so that an enterprise-level organization’s digital assets are accessible isn’t an easy process. But with the insights provided by the speakers in the Rethinking Website Accessibility webinar, you’ll be prepared for the challenge.

Meet the Experts

Alycia Anderson is an international TEDx motivational speaker, disability advocate, corporate diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) consultant, and the founder of The Alycia Anderson Company. She is also a tennis player, cyclist, identical twin and has been a wheelchair user since birth.

From being the first waitress in a wheelchair while she was a college student, to being the VP of Sales for industry-leading SaaS products, Alycia enjoys sharing her journey with communities and companies to help them understand the true benefits of building a diverse, inclusive and accessible workplace and society.

Alycia speaks to organizations around the world each year, with past engagements that have included Abercrombie & Fitch Co, Arizona State University, California State University Chico, The National Apartment Association and Fleishman Hillard.

She has also been featured in an AT&T commercial, the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, the Orange County Register, Living Low Magazine, and on the cover of New Mobility Magazine, in addition to appearing as a guest on the Leeza Gibbons show, CBS news, Spotlight Sessions, and the Visit Sacramento PodCast.

Jeff Kline is the author of Strategic IT Accessibility: Enabling the Organization, a comprehensive resource for technology professionals and executives to use to understand and implement information technology accessibility across organizations of any size, type, or geographic location.

The book is based on his extensive accessibility work in research and development during his 26-year career at IBM, as well as his experience as the Program Director of Statewide Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) Accessibility at the Texas Department of Information Resources.

Jeff has authored more than 20 patents, regularly contributes to the W3C, and is a recognized subject matter expert in key areas of IT accessibility that include policy, rulemaking, process integration, procurement, and risk mitigation.

He also consults on IT accessibility policy matters for federal and state agencies, educational institutions, NGOs, and accessibility certification bodies.

Lionel Wolberger, Ph.D. has spent his career understanding the nuanced role that technology plays in global advancement. As the COO of UserWay, he connects its suite of AI-powered accessibility solutions to the needs of enterprise, government, and agency requirements.

Lionel holds degrees in mathematics, physics, and ethnomusicology, is a W3C Accessible Platforms Architect, co-chairs a W3C Task Force, and has authored multiple patents.

Tens of millions of people around the world have used the multi-million dollar systems he has managed, deployed and secured for Fortune 100 companies, including AT&T, Vodafone, Cox Cable, News America Marketing, European Cable and DirecTV.

Experienced in accessibility, business development, Agile development, systems architecture, machine learning, product management, InfoSec, product security, blockchain, and DevOps, Lionel is a TLV Startup Hub partner and advises founders on how to connect with investors and corporate partnerships.

He is also a Privacy by Design ambassador, Cisco Security Ninja, and accomplished presenter on stage and TV, and has contributed to Verifiable Credentials, DID, and other global standards.

A Webinar You Can’t Afford to Miss

Experts of this caliber have never participated in a discussion like this, exclusively focused on enterprise accessibility. Accessibility standards and regulations are rapidly changing around the world and most enterprise-level organizations are not able to keep up.

Check out the webinar, Rethinking Website Accessibility: Achieving Enterprise Digital Compliance so your team can learn what it really takes to meet the needs of people with disabilities in the modern digital world.