UserWay is a Digital Accessibility Innovator

From websites to apps to PDFs, our technologies make content accessible for people with disabilities.

  • Trusted by the world’s leading brands
  • Installed on more than 1,000,000 websites
  • AI technology built for digital accessibility
  • Secure, scalable and standards compliant

Digital Access is a Human Right

Participation in society requires barrier-free access to online content.
For everyone.
Help level the playing field for people of all abilities.

Disability Impacts Us All

1 in 4

Adults in the US live with a disability

Adults in US disabled


Percentage of US Adults with Disabilities, by Type

% of US Adults with Disabilities, by Type

Independent Living6.8%

Data taking from Center for Disease Control

Our Mission

Making the Internet More Accessible for Everyone

UserWay helps organizations of all sizes meet international standards for website accessibility.

Sep. 2016

Company Launch

Allon Mason founds UserWay with the vision of making accessibility simple and affordable for every business.

Allon Mason, UserWay founder

Jan. 2017

Widget V1.0 Launch

The first version of the free accessibility widget features popular user-triggered enhancements through an intuitive interface.

  • Accessible Colors
  • Accessible Text
  • Accessible Links
UserWay Widget v1.0

Sep. 2017

Widget V2.0 Launch

Less than a year after the launch of Widget V1.0, UserWay releases V2.0 with a refreshed design that was even more intuitive and streamlined.

UserWay Accessibility Widget v2.0

Sep. 2018

Audit Service Launch

UserWay establishes itself as a full-service accessibility company by adding detailed accessibility audits that could be easily understood by non-technical audiences.

  • Detailed Violation Reports
  • Remediation Recommendations
  • Accessibility Status & VPAT

Apr. 2020

Dyslexia Font Launch

Extensive internal R&D leads to the development of the UserWay Dyslexia Font (UDF), a typeface that revolutionizes how people with Dyslexia consume content online.

  • Research-Based Design
  • Reduces Letter Confusion
  • Improves Reading Speed

Jun. 2020

Widget V3.0 Launch

This update adds AI-powered remediations to the widget, which was among the first technologies to interpret and write accessible code similar to a human.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Human-in-the-Loop
UserWay Accessibility Widget v3.0 being used on a website

Jun. 2020

Scanning & Monitoring Launch

UserWay creates a simple way for organizations to scan and monitor their websites for accessibility violations and evaluate content as it is added.

  • Real-Time Monitoring
  • Scan 1000s of Pages in Minutes
  • Jira Integrations

Jul. 2020

COO Appointed

After 21 years at Cisco, Dr. Lionel Wolberger is appointed UserWay COO, bringing extensive enterprise, machine learning and compliance experience.

Lionel Wolberger, UserWay COO

Aug. 2020

Launch of UserWay University

A free resource for beginners and accessibility professionals to learn the skills needed to stay current in the industry.

  • Free Resource
  • Easy-to-Follow Lessons
  • Accessibility Deep Dive

Dec. 2020

Launch of ARIA Editor

UserWay makes it possible for anyone to edit the accessibility layer of a website without the need for coding tools or previous experience.

  • Edit Site Code
  • Apply Updates
  • No Coding Experience Required
UserWay ARIA Editor

Jun. 2021

Director of Accessibility Appointed

Raghavedra Satish Peri is appointed UserWay Director of Accessibility, bringing more than a decade of experience from IBM and Deque.

Jul. 2021

W3C Leadership

Dr. Lionel Wolberger, UserWay COO, is appointed Co-Chairman of the W3C WAI-Adapt Task Force.

Sep. 2021

Launch of Siri Campaign

Susan Bennett, the original voice of Siri, makes headlines as a digital accessibility advocate for UserWay.

  • International Media Coverage
Susan Bennett - the original voice of Siri

Dec. 2021

E-Commerce Research

The Economic Impact of Inaccessibility Report details the cost of inaccessibility for e-commerce companies.

  • Impact of Inaccessibility Quantified
  • Internal UserWay Research
  • International Media Coverage
Economic impact of inaccessibility white paper

Jan. 2022

UserWay Completes IPO

Under the ticker symbol UWAY, the stock begins public trading by rocketing upward 50% on its first day.

UserWay IPO at TASE

Feb. 2022

Accessibility Editor Launch

Building on the success of the ARIA editor, the Accessibility Editor adds an integrated screen reader and simplified naviation between elements.

  • Simple Code Editor
  • No Coding Experience Required
  • Real-Time Accessibility Edits
UserWay Accessibility Editor

Feb. 2022

Ukrainian Evacuation

Shortly after the war in Ukraine begins, UserWay successfully relocates its Ukrainian team members and their families to safe areas.

Mar. 2022

Poland Office Opens

After the successful evacuation of UserWay Ukrainian team members and their families, UserWay opens its new office in Warsaw, Poland.

Apr. 2022

Chairwoman Appointed

Oracle COO, Yael Har Even, is appointed UserWay’s Chairwoman of the Board of Directors.

Apr. 2022

Widget V4.0 Launch

This update refines the widget interface and adds disability profiles, enhanced features and extensive enterprise-level management controls.

  • Voice Navigation
  • Single Sign-On
  • Live Translations
Image of the UserWay widget displaying a check mark next to the 'Motor Impaired' feature, indicating it is active or selected.

May 2022

Susan, voice of Siri, joining UserWay

After a successful Siri campaign in 2021, Susan Bennett joins forces with Dr. Orna Guralnik of TV's Couples Therapy to promote UserWay's accessibility solution.

A group photograph featuring Susane Benette, Allon Mason—CEO of UserWay, and several UserWay employees in the background.

Jun. 2022

WeCo acquired

UserWay acquires WeCo Solutions, expanding its product range to MS Office and PDF document accessibility.

Image illustrating various product features of UserWay for MS Office in action.

Feb. 2023

G2 Best Software Awards for Fastest-Growing Products

G2 Best Software Awards for Fastest-Growing Products

Illustration of a G2 badge for UserWay, highlighting that UserWay has been recognized as one of the top 100 fastest-growing products of 2023.

Feb. 2023

UserWay Gives Talk At The UN

UserWay CCOO Dr. Lionel Wolberger invited to speak on accessibility and AI-powered assistive technologies at the Zero Project Conference 2023, broadcast live from the United Nations in Vienna.

Image of Dr. Lionel Wolberger, CCOO at UserWay, delivering a speech at the United Nations.

Mar. 2023

UserWay Managed Accessibility Launch

UserWay offers an accessibility-as-a-service solution that offers a full range of managed accessibility services.

  • Website accessibility audit
  • Issue remediation
  • Accessibility verification and testing
Illustration of the UserWay shield, accompanied by the text 'Managed Accessibility' adjacent to it.

May. 2023

UserWay Earns Gartner Recognition

UserWay highlighted by Gartner’s 2023 Accessibility Market Guide as a Top Technology Vendor.

  • Accessibility Widget
  • Managed Accessibility
  • Accessibility Scanner
  • Accessibility Audits
  • UserWay for MS Office
Gartner's logo.

Sep. 2023

Launch of UserWay for MS PowerPoint

Part of UserWay's digital documents suite, the new product makes presentations accessible for people with disabilities, better for teams, and compliant for organizations. UserWay’s platform is built for the highest standards set by the ADA, Section 508, PDF/UA, and WCAG 2.1 & 2.2.

Illustration of the symbol for a PowerPoint presentation, typically represented by a red P icon.


Our Leadership

Millions of Users Can't Be Wrong!


Life at UserWay

Would you like to help us make the internet barrier-free for people with disabilities? Get in touch!

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