Inclusive Books Without Bounds: Making Stories Accessible for All

Michelle Reid Michelle Reid
Inclusive Books Without Bounds: Making Stories Accessible for All

What makes a book inclusive? Inclusive books shine a light on diverse stories and characters from varied backgrounds. These books do more than highlight diversity, they can be tools for fostering empathy and understanding, offering windows into lives that differ from our own. They serve as bridges to new worlds, offering a glimpse into different cultures, perspectives, and life experiences.

In this blog, we’ll look into how to make literature universally accessible. We’ll highlight a range of accessible books options, including audiobooks, large print editions, and eBooks – formats that dismantle barriers and improve the experience of reading for everyone, including people with disabilities. 

We’ll provide a list of some great books centered on themes of diversity, inclusion, and disability. Read on and discover how these accessible formats are changing the way we consume literature and how we can build accessibility into books so the reading experience can be a universal one. 

How technology can transform book accessibility

Technology has revolutionized book accessibility by introducing various formats like eBooks, audiobooks, and large-print editions, catering to diverse needs and preferences. These advancements enable individuals with disabilities, such as visual impairments or learning differences, to enjoy literature in ways that suit their unique requirements. Let’s look at some of these accessible book formats:


Audiobooks are ideal for individuals with visual impairments or reading disorders like dyslexia, as well as those who have physical disabilities that make handling traditional books challenging. They are also a great resource for people with certain cognitive disabilities that may affect their ability to process written text, allowing them to enjoy literature through an auditory format.

In 2022, the worldwide market for audiobooks was estimated at USD 5.36 billion and is projected to grow at an annual growth rate of 26.3% between 2023 and 2030. Audiobooks exist in a booming market projected to grow significantly. Offering flexibility and versatility, audiobooks allow content consumption anytime, anywhere, adapting to modern lifestyles and technological advancements. Their evolution from CDs to smartphone integration illustrates a growing market that caters to convenience and accessibility.

Large print books

Large print books are particularly beneficial for individuals with visual impairments, such as those with partial sight or age-related macular degeneration. They are also helpful for readers who have conditions like dyslexia, which can make processing standard-sized text more challenging. Additionally, large print books can be a great aid for older adults who may experience general eye strain or fatigue when reading small print. Durable and cost-effective, they represent a versatile reading solution that respects diverse needs and encourages wider reading participation.


eBooks are especially useful for individuals with various disabilities due to their customizable features. They allow readers to adjust text size and font style, which is beneficial for those with visual impairments or reading disorders like dyslexia. eBooks can also have text-to-speech capabilities, making them accessible for people with visual impairments or those who prefer auditory learning. Additionally, the portability and ease of accessing eBooks can be advantageous for individuals with physical disabilities, as they can be read on devices like tablets or e-readers that don’t require physical handling of books.

In January 2023, eBook sales in the U.S. went up by 3.7% compared to the same time last year. That’s about $85 million in sales! The special aspect to eBooks is how you can change the text size and use text-to-speech, which is helpful for people with disabilities, like dyslexia. They’re leading the way in making reading accessible and enjoyable for everyone, no matter their needs.

Why should we care about accessible books?

The significance of making books accessible isn’t just a matter of inclusivity or ethics; it’s also a legal imperative in many countries. Here’s a closer look at why prioritizing accessibility in your books is essential:

  • Inclusivity

Prioritizing accessibility in books is essentially about inclusivity and doing the right thing. By making books accessible, you respect and acknowledge the diverse needs of all readers, allowing individuals with disabilities to enjoy the same literary content as others. This breaks down barriers to information and entertainment, creating a more inclusive literary community.

  • Better user experiences

Accessibility greatly improves the overall user experience. Features like large print, Braille editions, or audio adaptations make books more engaging and user-friendly for a broader audience. This inclusivity isn’t just beneficial for those with specific disabilities; it also improves the reading experience for others, like those needing to read in different lighting conditions or preferring auditory learning. Accessible books cater to a variety of preferences and situations, broadening their usability and appeal.

  • Legal compliance

Complying with accessibility standards in book publishing is not only an ethical choice but also a legal requirement in many regions. Laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other global regulations mandate that all forms of content, including books, be accessible to people with disabilities. Failing to adhere to these laws can lead to legal issues and harm your reputation.

  • Enhanced search engine optimization (SEO)

Accessible books can contribute to better SEO. Search engines tend to favor content that is accessible to a larger audience, potentially leading to higher rankings in search results. This increased online visibility can drive more traffic to your books, potentially increasing sales and readership.

Quick insight: EPUB Accessibility 1.1 is about making sure digital books are easy for everyone to read, including people with disabilities. It has rules to follow for making eBooks properly accessible, and it also makes sure that these accessible features are easy to find and use.

6 books that represent disability

Let’s now look at some inclusive books that bring to light real experiences of people with disabilities, written by authors who deeply understand diverse experiences. We’ve put together a list of 6 books with inclusion at their core and that nail disability representation – they’re honest, funny, and real. Got any favorites to add?

1. Wonder

Wonder” tells the story of August Pullman, a boy with a facial difference, as he attends mainstream school for the first time in fifth grade. Facing challenges with his classmates, the story unfolds through multiple perspectives, highlighting themes of empathy, compassion, and acceptance. It’s a heartwarming tale that celebrates the courage of friendship and the uniqueness of individuals.

2. Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century

This is a compelling collection of personal essays by disabled people. It showcases a diverse range of voices and experiences, highlighting the realities, challenges, and triumphs faced by individuals with disabilities in the modern world. This anthology offers an insightful, unfiltered glimpse into the lives of those navigating a society not always designed for them, celebrating their resilience and diversity.

3. Why Are The Lights So Loud? 

Discover the personal experiences of an adult woman living with Asperger’s Syndrome. This book offers a unique window into the challenges and nuances of navigating daily life, social interactions, and sensory experiences from the perspective of a female on the autism spectrum. It provides readers with a deeper understanding of the complexities and varied experiences of women with Asperger’s, often underrepresented in discussions about autism.

4. Short Stories for Elderly: 50 Funny Tales for Stimulating Memory, Cognition, and Relieving Stress 

A collection of humorous and engaging stories tailored for older adults. This compilation aims to stimulate cognitive functions and memory, while also providing a source of stress relief and enjoyment. The stories are crafted to be both entertaining and beneficial, offering a delightful way for elderly readers to engage their minds and find laughter in their daily lives.

5. Silence Between Us by Alison Gervais 

“Silence Between Us” by Alison Gervais is a moving story about navigating the complexities of communication and understanding. It centers on the experiences of a deaf protagonist, offering a profound look into the Deaf community and the challenges faced by those with hearing impairments. The novel explores themes of acceptance, the nuances of non-verbal communication, and the importance of empathy, providing a powerful insight into a world where silence speaks volumes.

6. Made You Up by Francesca Zappia 

This is a captivating novel about a high school senior named Alex, who struggles to distinguish reality from delusion due to her schizophrenia. The story follows Alex’s journey as she navigates the complexities of her mental illness, teenage life, and the challenges of starting at a new school. It’s a compelling and empathetic portrayal of mental health, blending the lines between what’s real and imagined, and exploring themes of truth, trust, and resilience.

5 key steps to writing accessible content

Starting on the journey to make your books and content more accessible? Checking your book’s accessibility should be a top priority for any company, individual or business creating digital content. 

From the fonts on the page to the structure of your narrative, these practical suggestions will guide you in shaping content that’s inclusive as much as it’s engaging. Here are five top tips to transform your writing into a welcoming space for all readers:

1. Choose clear, readable fonts

Ever tried reading something in a fancy, swirly font and ended up squinting? Stick to simple, legible fonts for your text. Consider classics like Arial or Times New Roman for clarity.

2. Use alternative text for images

Imagine listening to a book and hearing, “Image here” – confusing, right? Always add descriptive alt-text for images. It’s like painting a picture with words for people with visual impairments.

3. Offer adjustable text sizes

Ever wish you could zoom in on tiny print without a magnifying glass? Allow your readers to adjust the text size to their comfort.

4. Include audio and video transcripts

What if you were unable to hear your favorite podcast? Provide transcripts for any audio or video content. 

5. Aim for a logical, navigable structure

Ever got lost in a poorly organized book? Use headings, bullet points, and a clear structure. It’s like providing a map in a maze; it guides your readers smoothly through your content.

What is the future for book accessibility?

The future of book accessibility is marked by technological innovation and a growing awareness of diverse reader needs. 

Further advances in AI and machine learning are likely to produce more sophisticated text-to-speech technologies, improving the quality of audiobooks and making them more accessible to individuals with visual impairments or reading disabilities. 

Enhanced e-book formats may offer customizable text sizes, fonts, and colors to suit various visual needs. Virtual and augmented reality could introduce immersive reading experiences, making literature more engaging for all, including those with learning differences. 

Additionally, the rise of open-source and community-driven platforms will likely increase the availability and affordability of accessible reading materials, ensuring that everyone has equal access to the world of books.

As publishers and book content professionals expand their understanding and actively engage with experts in the field of digital accessibility, they lay the groundwork for a more inclusive literary landscape. By taking these important steps, they are turning the page on how we access literature. This commitment to accessibility ensures that every reader, regardless of ability, can be part of the narrative, making every story a gateway to diverse worlds. 

UserWay: for digital content that doesn’t discriminate

Every book begins its journey in written form, typically originating from a content creation document on a computer, such as those in MS Office. From the initial stages in MS Office through to the final touches and PDF conversion, UserWay is your partner in the journey of digital accessibility. Whether it’s an Excel spreadsheet, a PowerPoint presentation, or any other document, UserWay helps build, test, and maintain your digital content accessibility, ensuring it is in line with accessibility laws and standards. Make your digital content reader-friendly and inclusive read for everyone, including people with disabilities. – with UserWay. Book a free demo to see how it works today. 


What makes an eBook accessible to readers with disabilities?

Accessible eBooks are designed with features like text-to-speech compatibility, adjustable text sizes, and screen reader support to accommodate various reading needs.

How do inclusive books differ from regular books?

Inclusive books are created with diverse characters and themes, representing various cultures, abilities, and backgrounds to reflect and respect the diversity of readers.

Can accessible books be used by everyone, not just those with disabilities?

Absolutely, accessible books are beneficial for all readers, providing flexible reading options and fostering a more inclusive reading experience.

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