Website legal requirements: Are you compliant?

Chris Mays Chris Mays
Website legal requirements: Are you compliant?

As web designers, understanding website legal requirements should be a top priority. While websites are great platforms for sharing content, publicizing business or selling products, it’s important to be cognizant of the fact that building digital assets is also serious business, bound by a range of legal standards – some of which you might not be aware of. 

This post won’t cover every legal intricacy across all industries, but it will highlight key legal considerations every web designer should be aware of. 

Let’s look into what you need to know to keep your sites meeting regulatory requirements, aligning with compliance laws while also doing the job you design them to do!  

What is website compliance?

Website compliance involves making sure that a website adheres to all relevant legal, regulatory, and technical standards. For web designers, this means designing sites that respect website privacy policy requirements such as GDPR, website accessibility laws and standards such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), align with intellectual property rights and data privacy law. It’s vital to integrate these aspects into all your design and development processes to protect your business against legal issues, build user trust, and create an inclusive user experience.

What legally needs to be on a website?

To ensure legal compliance, a website must include several key elements. First, a privacy policy is essential, outlining how user data is collected, used, and protected. Terms and conditions should be provided to establish the rules and guidelines for using the site. A clear disclaimer can help limit liability by clarifying the site’s content and any potential risks.

If the site uses cookies, a cookie consent notice is necessary to inform users and obtain their consent for data tracking. Depending on the nature of the site, accessibility statements and legal notices may also be required to comply with specific regulations and ensure inclusivity. Each element plays a huge role in protecting both the website owner and its users, aligning with various legal standards.

Now, let’s look at 9 specific rules and regulations that govern these essential elements, making a website legally compliant: 

9 website legal requirements: the move to compliance

Navigating the world of website compliance can be daunting, but it’s essential to design websites that meet legal standards and that respect user rights and privacy. Here are a few key legal considerations every website owner should be aware of:

1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The GDPR is a comprehensive data protection law that applies to all entities handling the personal data of EU residents, regardless of the company’s location. It mandates stringent data handling procedures to protect user privacy. Key requirements of GDPR website compliance include obtaining clear consent from users before processing their data, ensuring data security, providing users with access to their data, and the right to be forgotten. Non-compliance can lead to heavy fines, making it essential for websites with EU visitors to implement GDPR-compliant practices.

2. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The ADA requires websites to be accessible to users with disabilities, aligning with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This means ensuring that website content is accessible via screen readers, providing text descriptions for images (alt text), and ensuring navigability via keyboard for users who cannot use a mouse. Compliance not only broadens your audience but also avoids legal risks associated with accessibility lawsuits, which have been on the rise in recent years.

3. Section 508

Section 508 requires federal agencies, programs, and contractors to make sure their electronic and information technology can be used by people with disabilities. This is the first federal law against disability discrimination, contributing to closing the digital gap for people with disabilities so they can participate in the online world without barriers. Like the ADA, Section 508 also aligns with the WCAG, guiding federal agencies on how to build accessible web content.

4. California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

The CCPA mandates that websites safeguard the personal information of California residents, providing transparency about data practices and empowering users with control over their personal data. This means websites adhering to the California Consumer Privacy Act for websites must clearly disclose what personal data they collect, the purpose of the data collection, and whom they share it with, via an updated privacy policy. CCPA website compliance is critical as it protects consumer rights and minimizes the risk of heavy fines and legal challenges. 

5. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

COPPA ensures the protection of personal information of children under the age of 13, enforcing transparency in data practices by online services. This requires websites to secure parental consent before gathering, using, or sharing personal information from children. They are also required to maintain a privacy policy detailing their data collection practices. Compliance with COPPA is vital as it safeguards children’s privacy rights and helps avoid significant penalties and legal issues.

6. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

For healthcare websites, HIPAA compliance is critical. It regulates the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI) to ensure privacy and security. Websites collecting, storing, or transmitting PHI must implement technical safeguards like encryption, ensure controlled access to PHI, and regularly audit their privacy practices. Violations can result in severe penalties, making it crucial for healthcare providers to rigorously adhere to HIPAA standards.

7. Cookie Consents

Under laws like the GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive in the EU, websites must obtain user consent before storing cookies on user devices that track information. Cookies policy requirements involve displaying a clear and understandable cookie consent banner that informs users about the types of cookies used and the purpose of data collection. Users should be given a choice to accept or reject non-essential cookies, and their preferences must be respected and easily changeable.

8. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) safeguards websites from liability for copyright infringement by their users, provided they comply with certain conditions. This law requires websites to implement a system for addressing copyright complaints, typically through a DMCA notice and takedown procedure. Websites must have a designated agent to receive infringement notifications, and they must respond promptly to these notices by removing the offending content. Compliance with the DMCA not only shields websites from potential legal consequences but also fosters a respect for intellectual property rights. 

9. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) 

The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) is a U.S. law enacted in 1986 to protect the privacy of electronic communications. It governs the interception and access to electronic communications such as emails, phone calls, and data stored electronically. The ECPA requires government agencies to obtain warrants or subpoenas before accessing private communications. It also outlines conditions under which service providers can disclose customer communications and records. 

Each of these legal frameworks plays an important role in how websites operate within their specific contexts, to protect users and meet legal compliance measures for website owners.

Are terms and conditions a legal requirement for websites?

Terms and conditions on a website aren’t legally required by law universally, but they are strongly recommended. They serve as a legal framework that clarifies the rules for using your website, protecting you and your users. 

For websites that sell goods or services, terms and conditions help you meet compliance standards with consumer protection laws by detailing policies on refunds, cancellations, and other consumer rights. They also limit your liability in cases of misuse or disputes and outline acceptable user behavior, particularly for interactive sites that allow user-generated content. 

While not mandatory, having well-drafted terms and conditions can prevent potential legal issues and make managing your website smoother.

How website type influences compliance requirements

The type of website can significantly influence the specific legal requirements needed. Different types of websites, such as eCommerce sites, need to be aware of legal requirements that are specific to their websites. This is the same for informational blogs, or social media platforms, etc. Each has unique legal considerations based on their functionality and the type of data they handle. 

Let’s explore how these requirements might differ, focusing on eCommerce sites as an example:

What are the legal requirements for eCommerce websites?

eCommerce websites, which sell goods or services online, face several additional legal requirements:

Consumer protection laws: eCommerce sites must comply with laws that protect consumers in commercial transactions. These include providing clear information about products, transparent pricing, the right to cancel orders, and comprehensive details on return and refund policies.

Payment security: They must adhere to payment card industry standards (PCI DSS) to ensure secure handling of credit card details and other financial information. This includes encryption of financial data and potentially other measures like two-factor authentication.

Sales tax collection: Depending on the geographic location of their customers, eCommerce sites may be required to calculate, collect, and remit sales tax, which involves understanding diverse tax jurisdictions.

Shipping restrictions: They must be aware of and comply with shipping restrictions both domestically and internationally, which can include prohibitions on shipping certain items to specific locations.

Product liability: eCommerce sites have a responsibility to ensure that their products are safe and as described. Failure to do so can lead to legal issues related to product liability.

Are there requirements for content-led websites?

Websites that primarily provide information or content have a different set of concerns:

Copyright: These sites must be vigilant about not infringing on the copyright of others and correctly using licensed materials or content created by third parties.

Content liability: Website content liability may be related to the accuracy and impact of the content, especially if the information provided is incorrect or harmful.

Privacy and data collection: While these sites might collect less personal information than eCommerce sites, any data collected must still be handled according to applicable privacy laws.

What are legal considerations for social media marketing?

Social media platforms have unique legal requirements primarily concerning user-generated content:

1. Moderation and liability: They need robust systems for content moderation to comply with laws against hate speech, misinformation, and illegal content.

2. Data protection: Social media platforms often collect extensive personal information, necessitating stringent data protection measures and transparency in how user data is used and shared.

3. Advertising and promotion: They must comply with specific standards for advertising, including disclosures about paid promotions or endorsements to avoid misleading users.

Each type of website faces unique challenges and legal obligations. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for ensuring compliance and avoiding legal issues. It’s often advisable for website operators to consult with legal experts familiar with the specific laws applicable to their type of online presence.

Userway: aligning you with website accessibility laws

Bear in mind, this guide is just the tip of the iceberg. Keeping up with the ever-evolving legal requirements for websites can be a challenge. Depending on your website type, the scope of global laws, and specific accessibility considerations, your needs may vary widely. It’s a complex and nuanced field, but staying on the right side of the law is key. It’s wise to collaborate with legal experts who specialize in internet and data protection laws to ensure your website remains compliant. These professionals can offer invaluable guidance on the latest regulations and help you navigate any legal complexities. 

Want to make sure your website is compliant? Talk to an expert at UserWay for peace of mind. 


Why do websites need disclaimers?

Website disclaimers are requirements that are vital for websites to clarify the limitations of liability regarding the information and services provided.

How can websites meet security requirements?

Websites can meet security requirements by implementing SSL certificates, regular software updates, and robust user data protection protocols.

Are legal notices on websites mandatory?

Yes, legal notices are mandatory on websites to comply with legal and regulatory obligations, providing transparency to users.

What are the consequences of violating a website user agreement?

If you break a website’s user agreement, you might face restrictions on your use of the site. This could include temporary suspensions or even permanent deletion of your account.