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Integrate widget using Ruby on Rails with Turbo links

Follow these steps to integrate the widget on platforms that use Turbolinks using  Ruby on Rails:

  1. Step 1: In the Ruby on Rails project, open your JavaScript file.
  2. Step 2: Add the following in the file:
          document.addEventListener('turbolinks:before-visit', () => {
            window._userway = false;
          ['turbolinks:load', 'turbolinks:visit'].forEach((evt) => {
            document.addEventListener(evt, () => {
              (function(d) {
                var s = d.createElement("script");
                s.setAttribute("data-account", "YOUR WIDGET CODE HERE");
                s.setAttribute("src", "");
                (d.body || d.head).appendChild(s);

Note: The "data-account" must be updated with youraccountID:If you’re using Turbo and not Turbolinks, change from “Turbolinks” to “turbo” in the code.

Explore UserWay’s Accessibility Widget