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Run Authenticated Scans in UserWay’s Accessibility Monitor

Basic Authentication

HTTP Basic authentication simply means the application sends a username and password with every request, and those credentials are also often stored or saved on the device.

To add a site that is under HTTP basic authentication, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Accessibility Monitor account.
  2. Click on + New Scan to create a new scan
  3. Switch to the Authenticated Scan tab to choose the authentication method
    Form auth
  4. Add the site or page you would like to scan, then change to
    Basic Authentication
    Basic authentication
  5. Add the Username and Password and click the Start Scan button
    Basic Authentication credentials

Form Authentication

The authentication form is implemented directly on the website in forum format. The user needs to enter a username and password to access protected content, e.g., our Accessibility Monitor login page.

The following example shows how selectors would look using our Accessibility Monitor authentication form: User Name Field Selector, Password Field Selector, and the Submit button Selector

To add a site that is under Form Authentication, follow the steps below:

  1. Inspect your website authentication form in a web browser using the developer tool:
    Browser console inspect element
  2. Click + New Scan and Authenticated Scan
  3. Click Form Authenticated scan
    Form authentication URL
  4. Add your Username and Password, and fill in the form based on the inspection result from Step 1.
    Form authentication credentials
  5. Fill in the form using the selectors from the contact form
  6. Click Start Scan to add the authenticated form page to the Accessibility Monitor:
    Form authentication start scan

The selectors and ID above are just an example. They can vary according to the structure of the page. Use your browser’s inspect tool to obtain the information, or consult with a developer.

Scenario Authentication

Scenario Authentication is used when the authentication system has a specific scenario, e.g., Authentication requires multiple steps or Authentication requires more than username/email and password.

In the following example, we will use the website as an example, and some most-used commands, to create an authentication scenario:

Commands/code:What the command/code does:
clickOnSelector('selector: string')Performs a mouse click on a given CSS selector
typeInSelector('selector: string, text: string')Performs text typing to an input (or text area) within a given CSS selector
waitForTimeout(timeout: milliseconds)Pauses scenario execution for a given timeout. We recommend using this command whenever the page or the page’s DOM changes.
  1. Go to and inspect the username form (Find CSS field selector for email, e.g.:typeInSelector('input [type="email")','';)
    Scenario Authentication checking elements
  2. Find CSS field selector for Password, e.g.:typeInSelector('input [type="password")','testing';
    Scenario Authentication adding credentials
  3. Log in to your Accessibility Monitor account
  4. Go to + New Scan > Authenticated Scan > Scenario authentication
  5. Add the site or page you would like to scan & monitor, and the authentication access details:
    Adding the script for the scenario

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