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Google Analytics vs. UserWay Pageviews

Total monthly page views are a crucial metric for UserWay. Occasionally, customers inquire about discrepancies between their page views in Google Analytics and UserWay. Here’s an explanation to shed light on why the counts may differ.

Google Analytics calculates the number of “pageview” events sent, which may vary by website based on the Google Analytics script implementation. Google Analytics excludes requests from bots, search engines, scanners, etc. Additionally, events are not sent in non-cookie environments like incognito mode or when visitors do not accept analytics tracking.

UserWay statistics count each request to UserWay’s CDN. UserWay doesn’t tally page views. Instead, UserWay tracks how many times its assets are loaded from the CDN, i.e., when the UserWay script is loaded.

MetricGoogle AnalyticsUserWay
Calculation MethodCounts “pageview” eventsCounts requests to CDN
ExclusionsExcludes bots, search engines, etc.Includes all requests to CDN
Cookie DependencyDependent on cookiesNot dependent on cookies

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