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Debugging Custom Scenario Scans in the Accessibility Monitor

UserWay’s Accessibility Monitor empowers users to create custom scanning scenarios. The Custom Scenario Scan tool enables developers to simulate user journeys through a website, ensuring there are no accessibility issues. Multiple scenarios can be mapped simultaneously, and a detailed report is generated for any detected issues.

Building Custom Scenario Scans

Using custom scenario scans, a developer creates custom scenario scripts for scanning page components requiring user interactions. A scenario script simulates user actions, such as mouse clicks and keyboard typing. The scenario then runs a scan once all user actions are completed.

Example of a user journey:

  1. User login
  2. User navigates to a product page
  3. User navigates to the shopping cart

The scan will only be performed on the final page (the shopping cart).

If you need to scan multiple pages on a particular journey, you will need to create separate scenarios.

A scenario consists of three parts: name, initial page URL, and scenario script.

Authoring scenario scripts is similar to programming in a functional programming language. Scenario scripts are written using standard JavaScript, plus a few high-level functions provided by our scenario SDK.

Debugging guide:

  1. In this scenario, we intentionally changed the selector in line 4 (to ‘oops..’) to ensure the journey test will fail:
    Image of the script
  2. View the sample test results after the journey/scenario test. After 10 – 15 seconds, a popup with error messages and screenshots should appear:
    Test of the script
  3. Once you close the popup, fix the problem by setting the selector to #submit_btn.
  4. Save your scenario by clicking on the Save & Close button:
  5. You can also edit your scenario scripts in the sitemap list. Click the Edit scenario script text link:
    Edit scenario

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