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How We Stack Up to our Competition

Selecting the right accessibility solution is an important decision. Here’s a quick comparison to help you make the right choice.

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Competitive Landscape

Compare below UserWay’s User Satisfaction Ratings with the competitor you selected, or visit the review siteto see for yourself.

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Terms and Conditions Apply:

* Based on an average of at least 15 measurements on live vendor sites

** As part of the Managed Accessibility plan

Millions of Users Can't Be Wrong!


See What Our Users are Saying

photo of Sara Friedman

Sara Friedman - Blind & Empowered by UserWay

Sara Friedman

photo of Sigal Shwartz

Meet Sigal Shwartz - Blind from Birth. Empowered by UserWay.

Sigal Shwartz

photo of Neal Elefant

Meet Neal Elefant - Blind in One Eye. Empowered by UserWay.

Neal Elefant

photo of Heather Stone

With UserWay, I have my digital independence back.

Heather Stone

photo of Peter Platt

UserWay covered all of the accessibility issues

Peter Platt

photo of Ben Haensel

Learn Why BlueSky School Trusts UserWay For Student Success

Ben Haensel

photo of Denise Osborne

Learn Why CMS Max Trusts UserWay On More Than 2000 Websites

Denise Osborne

photo of Kristen Dyke

The UserWay widget works really well with Wordpress.

Kristen Dyke

photo of Moshe Gaon

How easy it was to add the UserWay widget to our site!

Moshe Gaon

UserWay is #1 in Market Share

Based on independent research by Builtwith.


A One-Stop Shop for All Your Digital Accessibility Needs

Corrects website code to accommodate screen readers and other assistive technologies according to WCAG standards and adds customization tools all visitors can use.

AI-Powered Widget

The UserWay Scanner tool quickly reads the code on a website and evaluates its structure, navigation, links, buttons, and many other criteria to discover WCAG violations.

Scanning & Dev Tools

The UserWay widget allows you to select individual PDFs to make WCAG compliant, or you can choose for the process to be automatic, even when new files are added.

PDF Remediation

The only way to reach 100% WGAC compliance, as well as a flawless user experience, is to supplement automation with human-in-the-loop (HIL) oversight.

Manual Audits

A fully managed option that includes the AI-Powered UserWay Accessibility Widget, 24/7 live support, PDF remediation, and accessibility training for your team members.

AI-Powered Widget
Scanning & Dev Tools
PDF Remediation
Manual Audits

The AI Revolution

Intelligent automation meets demand at any scale.

(AI-Powered Remediation)

Traditional Service-Based Accessibility Companies (Manual Remediation)

Time required to reach compliance (Manual audit + remediation)

1-3 Days

6-24 months

Installation takes less than 1 hour to complete
Not available
No changes are required for a website’s design or source code
Not available
Average percentage of WCAG-compliant code 1 year after installation


< 50%

Full support for adding new pages to a site based on existing templates
Not available
Short implementation process, rapid compliance, quick TTM
Not available
Supports WCAG updates
Not available
User-triggered customization options
Not available

When You Look at the Facts,
There is No Comparison

UserWay is the World's #1 Accessibility Solution and is committed to enabling the fundamental human right of digital accessibility for everyone. When you're ready to make your site compliant, deciding which solution to use is an easy choice to make.

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Unlike Other Providers, UserWay Is a Real Technology Company

UserWay has 4 patents for its AI technology and employs more than 35 software engineers. None of our competitors come close to this level of dedication.

“Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.” - James W. Frick

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Let’s Talk

No matter the size of your organization or website, our team is available 24/7 to answer questions and resolve problems.

Dr. Lionel A. Wolberger

Dr. Lionel A. Wolberger

COO at UserWay, W3C Accessibility Platform Architects (APA) Working Group, co-chair Personalization Task Force

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