Inclusion in education is not a new concept. Nor is it a buzzword or trend. It’s an essential part of how we teach and learn. Inclusive education goes beyond physical accommodations like ramps and special programs. 

When we discuss education and inclusion, we’re focused on creating equitable learning spaces where every student, regardless of their background or abilities, has access to the support they deserve.

But what does this look like in actual classroom settings? How do we put these principles into action in our day-to-day teaching? And what aspects of inclusion might we be missing in our approach? Let’s explore these questions to get a better understanding of what ‘inclusion in education’ really means.

Understanding education and inclusion

We’re kicking off with a ‘lightning round’ of Q&As, exploring different aspects of inclusivity in education. We’ve compiled a variety of questions that cover several angles of this hot topic. 

Let’s dive in.

What is the definition of inclusive education?

Inclusive education has been defined as an ongoing effort to provide quality education for everyone while respecting diversity, recognizing different student needs and abilities, understanding individual characteristics and learning expectations, and working to eliminate all forms of discrimination.

How can teaching professionals navigate accessibility in education?

Teaching professionals can navigate accessibility in education by staying informed about diverse student needs, regularly updating their knowledge of accessibility standards, and utilizing assistive technologies. They should collaborate with special education experts and attend professional development workshops focused on inclusive teaching practices. It’s also important for them to engage with students to understand their unique challenges and adapt teaching methods to create an inclusive learning environment for all.

What strategies are educators using to foster inclusive education?

Educators use many strategies to make inclusive education happen. They accommodate their teaching methods to suit different learning needs, creating learning spaces where everyone respects and appreciates each other’s differences, and they work closely with support teams and specialists to give personalized help. Educators also get parents and guardians involved, making sure that everyone is in the loop. The goal? To create a place where every student, no matter their background or abilities, can shine.

Why does inclusion in special education matter?

In the 2021–22 school year, 7.3 million students aged 3–21 received special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The sheer numbers alone demonstrate why inclusion in special education is a big deal. It’s about making sure that students with disabilities get the same chances as everyone else to learn and grow alongside their peers. Inclusion in special education fosters a sense of belonging, confidence, and opens opportunities that students with diverse needs might not have had otherwise.

What kind of training can help teachers become more inclusive in their teaching? 

Teachers should receive training that covers a few key areas. First, they need to learn about special education techniques to support students with diverse needs. Second, cultural competence and empathy training can help them understand and connect with students from different backgrounds. And they also need to become tech-savvy. That means diving into digital accessibility, so they can create and use online materials that everyone can access. This involves grasping web accessibility standards and teaming up with digital resource providers to make sure their materials are inclusive and fair for all students, including those with disabilities.

What does an inclusive learning environment look like?

An inclusive classroom environment features flexible seating arrangements, a variety of sensory stimuli, and accessible learning materials, whether it’s digital or PDF formats. Every resource should be accessible to accommodate different learning preferences and physical needs.

How can educators make inclusive education work for students with disabilities?

Schools can start by crafting curricula that are inclusive from the start. This means using adaptive learning tools and techniques that can cater to a range of disabilities while still keeping the academic challenge intact. Schools should regularly consult with special education experts. That means talking to people who know the ins and outs of inclusion, as well as accessibility experts. By working together, they can build a curriculum that hits the mark and ensures all students have the best shot at success.

How is inclusion in the classroom measured?

Measuring inclusion in education is possible, but it can be complex due to its multifaceted nature. Key metrics include assessing equal access to educational resources, students’ participation and engagement, academic progress, their sense of belonging, and the reduction of discriminatory practices. Teachers often demonstrate examples of inclusion in the classroom by adapting lessons to accommodate all learning styles, through the use of assistive technologies and using collaborative group activities. Despite this, researchers have hesitated to measure inclusive education because it’s a complex task. There are also challenges such as  the difficulty in creating ‘context-sensitive’ measurement tools

What is one of the most overlooked aspects of inclusion in schools?

While we’ve touched on various strategies to foster inclusivity in education, one area often overlooked is digital accessibility. Despite efforts to adapt physical spaces and teaching methods, the accessibility of online educational resources frequently lags behind. This neglect can significantly impede students with disabilities, especially those with visual, auditory, or cognitive challenges, from accessing vital digital content and tools. Making sure  that all online courses, websites, and digital materials comply with accessibility standards is crucial.

Can digital accessibility be measured?

Measuring digital accessibility and inclusion in education is a moral imperative and a savvy business move. Legal obligations like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandate accessibility, making non-compliance a costly risk. Second, adhering to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) ensures a better user experience for all, potentially attracting a wider student base. By assessing WCAG conformance, conducting user testing, audits and monitoring compliance metrics, educational institutions can measure their commitment to inclusivity. 

How does the ADA influence educational practices?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) plays a huge role in shaping educational practices by mandating that schools provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. This includes modifications in teaching methods, the use of assistive technology, and ensuring physical accessibility in school environments. The act emphasizes the importance of equal access to education, encouraging schools to create inclusive learning spaces that cater to the diverse needs of all students.

Quick Insight: As higher education institutions aim to adhere to federal and state laws on equal access, standardizing digital accessibility practices is becoming more prevalent.

How can we make education inclusive for students with disabilities?

But how inclusive are digital materials across the education sector in reality? And how accessible are online learning resources

The question of inclusivity in digital education is not just about the availability of online content but also about how this content is presented and interacted with. Are websites and online tools designed with universal design principles in mind? Are videos captioned, are reading materials available in alternative formats, and are interactive tools adaptable to various needs?

This is where the commitment to inclusive education is truly tested. It isn’t enough to have a wealth of online resources; these resources must be accessible to all, regardless of people’s physical or cognitive abilities. 

The solution lies in thoughtful design, ongoing evaluation, and building digital assets in line with accessibility guidelines and standards. In this way, the education system will be helping to dismantle the digital divide that many students with disabilities face every day.

Let’s now look at best practices of digital accessibility and how these can be applied to the education space. 

Quick insight: The 2023 GEM Report highlights that integrating accessible technology and assistive devices in classrooms, based on Universal Design for Learning principles, significantly boosts the learning potential of all students.

10 digital accessibility tips for teaching students with disabilities

These 10 tips will equip teaching professionals with practical strategies to create inclusive online learning environments:

1. How simple is your design?

Streamline your design to be simple, predictable, and free from distracting elements. Aim for short, clear paragraphs, ideally not exceeding five sentences. This approach is particularly helpful for students with attention and cognitive challenges.

2. Have you clearly described your hyperlinks?

Make sure all hyperlinks have clear descriptions. This clarity aids students using screen readers to understand the destination of each link.

3. Are you using built-in layouts and styles? 

In word processing apps like Microsoft Word and Google Docs, make the most of built-in page layouts and styles. They provide a clear, semantic structure beneficial for students using assistive technologies.

4. Have you made your PDFs accessible?

Check that all PDFs on your website are accessible to individuals with various disabilities.

5. Are your image descriptions clear?

Include brief, descriptive texts for all images. These are crucial for visually impaired students who depend on screen readers.

6. Are you using disability-friendly fonts?

Go for fonts designed for easy readability by people with vision-related conditions.

7. Is your color contrast high enough for visibility?

Use stark contrasts in color between text, graphics, and backgrounds, aiding students with visual impairments.

8. Do you caption and transcribe your multimedia?

Provide captions for all video content and transcriptions for audio materials, supporting students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

9. Can students easily navigate your content?

Make sure your digital content can be navigated with a keyboard, essential for students who do not use a mouse.

10. Are you limiting technology overload?

Be mindful of the number of tools students with disabilities need to use. Choose compatible tools that avoid overburdening students with excessive technology.

Quick insight: Simply following a list of tips without grasping their purpose can lead to ineffective implementation. To create an accessible digital environment, it’s wise to consult digital accessibility experts who can provide insights into why specific practices are essential, ensuring that digital content is inclusive for all students.

Create an inclusive and accessible learning environment for all students.

UserWay: making digital education inclusive

Ready to make your educational content more accessible? By integrating UserWay’s suite of  AI-powered technology, the education sector can enhance their digital platforms, making digital assets  more inclusive and user-friendly for every student. This shift allows educators to concentrate on what they do best: teaching and inspiring students. Get in touch to begin your journey towards a more inclusive digital educational environment today.


What is the importance of digital accessibility in education?

Digital accessibility in education ensures that all students, including those with disabilities, can access and effectively use online learning resources, fostering an inclusive learning environment.

How can schools improve digital accessibility?

Schools can improve digital accessibility by implementing assistive technologies, following web accessibility guidelines, and regularly training staff in inclusive teaching practices.

How can we ensure inclusivity in education for students with disabilities?

To make education inclusive for students with disabilities, institutions should adopt accessible teaching materials and technologies, provide tailored support such as assistive devices or alternative formats, and create a welcoming environment through physical adjustments and faculty training.